Sunday Service: 10 am | Register for Sunday School | Sunday School: 8:30 - 9:30 am


Bible Study, Discipleship, and Evangelism Resources

The study and understanding of God’s Word are paramount for every Christian because God’s Word is the only source we have for divine authority and growth and maturity in the faith (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Ephesians 4:11-16). These resources will aid you in your study and understanding of God’s Word, the Bible. One very important aspect of reading and studying the Bible is having an accurate, dependable, and faithful translation of God’s Word. Please see the section about Bible translations below for our recommendations.

Basic Discipleship Material

  1. TFC Gospel Tract
  2. TFC Spiritual Assessment Tool
  3. How to use the Spiritual Assessment Tool to create a vision/growth plan
  4. TFC Biblical Interpretation Guide and Training (OIA) and Quick-Reference Guide
  5. The Fundamentals of the Faith (John MacArthur)
  6. Becoming a Biblical Leader (XL Ministries, download here)
  7. Becoming a Biblical Leader, Women’s Edition (XL Ministries, download here)
  8. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life (Donald Whitney)

Evangelism and Discipleship

  1. Evangelism: How to Share the Gospel Faithfully by John MacArthur
  2. Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever
  3. The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman
  4. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney
  5. How People Change by Timothy Lane and Paul David Tripp
  6. Seeing with New Eyes: Counseling and the Human Condition Through the Lens of Scripture by David Powlison


Family Discipleship

Recommended Bible Translations

Bible Reading Plans

Bible Study Aids

Hermeneutical Resources


Podcasts, Apps, and Other Media

Theology Studies

